Aitchison Raffety achieved outline planning consent for mixed-use re-development at Oundle Marina, in East Northamptonshire for improved marina facilities, residential moorings, permanent floating residential accommodation (use C3), 2x pub/restaurant, retail, business accommodation, and workshops (use B1/B2), holiday accommodation (use C3), and boathouse clubhouse with associated parking and infrastructure; and subsequently discharged all reserved matters.

Plan drawing of Oundle Marina

The site extended over some 5 hectares and was dominated by large, industrial buildings on the northern part which lay dormant having last been used by a boating company. The appearance of the site was of an industrial complex, lying in the open countryside, forming a visually prominent and detractive feature on the southern entrance to Oundle.

As part of the outline application, our planning team was involved in preparing a detailed masterplan to help regenerate the previously disused site, focused on achieving significant economic benefits through the creation of a high-quality leisure and tourist-focused development.

A range of modern employment space was created to ensure a balance of uses geared toward tourism, in accordance with the development plan which identified the area for regeneration.

Subsequent to outline consent having been granted, our planning team successfully discharged reserved matters, and ensure the proposal was lawfully implemented on behalf of our client.

Sketch of proposed Oundle marina redevelopment


Sketch of green fields and houses at Oundle marina


For further information on this project or any planning and development inquiries, please do get in touch with our team via:  or call us on 01604 880 163.